2019-20 Design Portfolio

Spotify On Repeat —
July 2020
Music Posters

A for-fun design project started in July to abate the COVID-blues, inspired by the Twitter challenge that encourages people to post their current On Repeat playlists. Once a week a song is chosen at random from the personalized Spotify playlist, and a poster based on the energy, genre, and lyrics of the song is designed that day. The challenge is always to design a unique poster and refrain from falling into any personal style patterns. Occasionally the designs will be expanded into other mockups.

This category will be updated at least once a week for the foreseeable future, with newest designs featured first.

Tibor Kalman: A Designer for the Rest of the World —
March 2020
Biography Accordion Book

Excerpts from an accordion book covering the life and work of graphic designer Tibor Kalman,  the famous “provocateur of the design world” between the 1970’s and ‘90s. Famous for his anti-corporate manifesto, bold design direction, and activist messages, this accordion draws inspiration from Kalman’s style and dauntless attitude.

This accordion features overlapping tip-ins (demonstrated by the grey, partial-page size inserts) that go in-depth on a few of Kalman’s specific projects as head of the M&Co. Design firm, while the body features an original essay. The accordion currently has not been printed due to COVID-19, but will be assembled as the first opportunity. A PDF of the full length accordion, sans tip-ins, can be found here. The accoridon with tip-ins, separated into disconnected spreads, can be found here.

Apoc & Wild Dog Rose —
February 2020
Type Specimen Poster

A poster acting as both a type specimen for Blaze Type foundry’s Apoc(calypse) font and an adversiment for the now-defunct Wild Dog Rose teashop in Louisville, Kentucky. The front design takes inspiration from the labels once used by the shop for their loose leaf tea bags, while the back samples items from their menu.

Apoc was chosen for its unique Humanistic letter form varieties, which feature sharp, lengthy tails, creating an air of elegance yet strange and looming darkness, pairing perfectly with the melancholy of honoring a small business which no longer exists. PDF of poster found here

The Yale Herald Redesign —
January 2020 
Newspaper Style Guide

Select pages from the redesign of the biweekly Yale Herald newspaper, of which Rebecca is currently the Creative Director. In early 2020 she worked with the Editors-in-Chief to document the Herald’s identity and personality. She then redesigned the paper accordingly to create a more cohesive, easy-to-read aesthetic that is flexible enough to complement the paper’s diverse content.

This redesign balances a sophisticated yet playful tone, allowing for visual diversity despite the restrictions of black & white printing and single-evening production. It also allows for more photographic content than the paper’s previous design system. The main fonts chosen to represent the publication are Bely (headers) and Akkurat (body). The latest issue created under the new design system can be found here.

Giant Step: The Apollo 11 Goodwill World Tour —
November 2019 

A 200-page publication documenting the Apollo 11 astronauts’ 1969 world tour which took place following their July moon landing.  The final project in a series of three books about Apollo 11, Giant Step presents photos and national archival footage from the tour, alongside the tour’s scarce textual documentation which includes interviews, transcripts, news articles, auction descriptions, and journal entries. The book was designed to contain all publicly accessible information about the tour and display it in a chronological, easy-to-approach format. A full PDF can be found here.

The Yale Herald —
Fall 2019
Biweekly Newspaper

Select pages from the Yale Herald, a bi-weekly undergraduate publication at Yale University, of which Rebecca was the Co-Creative Director of for the Fall 2019 semester and currently acts as the sole Creative Drector for the Spring 2020 semester. The Herald is designed on Thursday evenings while pieces are undergoing final edits, and finalized early Friday morning. Full issues of the Yale Herald can be found here.

Minutae: Artifacts from Apollo 11 —
October 2019
Curatorial Booklet

The second book in a series of projects about Apollo 11, Minutae was designed while researching the digital records of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum’s Apollo 11 collection, which includes more than 400 unique items.  Designed as a multilingual museum visitor’s accompaniment for a small portion of the collection, Minutae seeks to emphasize the small parts necessary to achieve a task as momentous as a moon landing. The booklet is divided into three sections cloth, metal, and plasticand all photographs have been made monochrome to draw focus to the tactile nature of the objects displayed.

The New Journal —
October 2019 - Spring 2020

Full spreads from The New Journal, a bi-monthly magazine which publishes student reporting and essays concerning the Yale and New Haven communities. Rebecca joined the staff in October and is one of two design editors for the publication working beneath the creative director.  Full issues of The New Journal can be found here.

This is (Not) A Simulation —
September 2019
Photo Essay

The first book in a series of projects on Apollo 11. This is (Not) A Simulation is a photo essay which was created by parsing through hundreds of photographs from the  Apollo 11 image archives. Photos from the training procedures were selected to be depicted beside visually similar photos from the mission itself, signified by the T- and T+ timestamps. This photo essay was created as a play off of “the moon landing was falsified” conspiracy theories and celebrates the intense training necessary to bring mankind to the lunar surface.

Yale Daily News: Weekend Edition —
Weekly Newspaper

Select pages from the Weekend edition of the Yale Daily News, for which Rebecca was a production and design editor between September 2018 and October 2019. As a P&D editor, she had the responsiblity of being one of two editors in charge of designing the Weekend edition, a ten-page insert with a design-focused layout compared to the traditional daily paper. Weekend is designed every Thursday night between 9 PM and 3 AM, with designs contingent on the number of colored pages, articles, and visual content provided for each page. Rebecca also assisted with the layout of the weekly A-Section Paper (seen below), the Yale Daily News Magazine, and the 2018 First Year Issue.

During her time as an editor, the Yale Daily News won the Society for Professional Journalism’s award for “Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper,” and its magazine was a finalist for the “Best Student Magazine” category.

Yale Daily News —
Daily Newspaper

Select pages from the Yale Daily News, for which Rebecca was a production and design staffer starting in late 2017. She served as a P&D editor between September 2018 and October 2019. Alongside her main responsiblity of designing the Weekend edition (see above) she also took weekly assist shifts to help lay out the paper’s traditional daily A-Section.  She assisted with the paper’s partial redesign in Spring 2018.

During her time as an editor, the Yale Daily News won the Society for Professional Journalism’s award for “Best All-Around Daily Student Newspaper,” and its magazine was a finalist for the “Best Student Magazine” category.

gathr: social events  —
July 2019
Promotional Guides

After pivoting from a social dining app to an event organizing app in early July 2019, the startup gathr (formerly Homecooked) required a full content rebrand. Rebecca assisted in the design of the new app layout (displayed here) as well as new promotional materials. These guides were given to  businesses interested in boosting employee satisfaction and apartment owners seeking to increase tenant retention.

gathr: social dining  —
June 2019
Promotional Handbook

While Homecooked was still in the process of rebranding as gathr: social dining, Rebecca acted as their lead designer, creating content for both web and print.  This guide was designed as a handbook to be mailed physically and digitally to new hosts who used the app to host meals at their homes as a way to bond with neighbors, share their cultural cuisine, and make a small profit.

Yale State and Local Policy Review —
Spring 2019 
Law Journal

Created early 2019,  the Yale State and Local Policy Review (YSLPR) is an undergraduate submission-based, nonpartisan policy journal focused on local and state issues. The journal curates analysis of value to local, state, and federal policymakers as well as academics. It is circulated to Yale students as well as mailed to  various poilcymakers. As the production director for the first edition, Rebecca looked to professional law journals for inspiration in creating a classic academic layout.

The Dew Drop Motel —
April 2019
Film Script Design

Designed for a Typography assignment, The Dew Drop Motel is a film translation of a scene from Robert Rodriguez’s 1996 action horror movie From Dusk Till Dawn, starring George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino. The project was designed in two parts, the first being an exact translation of the script with sound effects and time stamps included, imagined as a fast food receipt as a nod to the fast food which Clooney’s character brings into the start of the scene.

The second iteration is a spiral-bound flip book focused on the dialogue, silent beats, and intensity of speech between the two characters. The pages are interspersed with red plastic film sheets, representing the moments in the scene when the image of a bloody body is briefly flashed before the camera. The scene used for the project  can be watched in full here. Warnings for violence, blood, and rape mention.

Accent Multilingual Magazine: Harmony Edition —
April 2019 

Spreads from the 2019 edition of Accent, Yale’s multilingual undergraduate publication, which is published annually. The 2019 edtion was based on the theme of “harmony.” Rebecca designed spreads for the French language section.
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